“To deprive or deny someone the experience of care and love, or to be indifferent or inhibiting of their acts of solidarity, is to deprive them of one of the great ‘goods’ of human existence.”
Kathleen Lynch – Love labour, Sociological Review

“One of the lessons I have learnt from homeless people, particularly those whose behaviour is most problematic, is that there is always a story behind that behaviour.”
Fr. Peter McVerry – Address to Secondary Teachers in Ireland.

“Shelters contribute more than a safe place to stay. They provide vital services and resources that enable women who have experienced abuse, and their children, to re-build self esteem and take steps to regain a self-determined and independent life.”
Canadian Network of Women’s Shelters & Transition Houses

The documents in this section may be of interest if you wish to undertake further reading on the subject of homelessness and homelessness with specific regard to women and children.

Women’s Health and Homelessness in Cork
A Joint Snapshot Study of the Health and Related Needs of Women who are Homeless in Cork.
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Kathleen Lynch: Love labour as a distinct and non-commodifiable form of care labour
This paper examines the nature of love labouring and explores how it can be distinguished from other forms of care work. A central theme of the paper is that primary care relations are not sustainable over time without love labour; that the realization of love, as opposed to the declaration of love, requires work.
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Fr. Peter McVerry: Address to Secondary Teachers in Ireland.
Address given at the 2013 ASTI Conference: Young homeless people.
Download Word Document 

Shelter Voices
A day in the life of Canada’s shelters for women survivors of abuse
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Inspiration in Education. Cork’s Pioneering Model of Learner-Led Community Education:
Working Paper prepared by the Cork City Centre / Citywide Community Education Network
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