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There is no single route out of Homelessness

No two cases of homelessness are the same. There is no single defined route to housing and independence.

 Homelessness is disempowering. It strips women and their children of their health, dignity, self-esteem and independence. Enduring poor, uncertain living conditions, day after day, with little or no control over the future, would drain anyone’s resilience.

The longer the situation persists the more chaotic life becomes. Simple problems pose huge challenges, adding to the distress. The confidence needed for coping grows into an overwhelming task. Before long, hope for a route out of homelessness spirals into despair.

At Good Shepherd Cork, our priority is to find suitable, permanent housing for women and children as quickly as possible.

Emergency accommodation is vital, however, we believe time spent in it, should be minimised.

Each experience is unique

The women we work with often have many complicated, interrelated problems contributing to, and as a result of homelessness.

Many of the women we work with are traumatised due to violence or abuse in childhood, a pattern often repeated in their adult lives. Others may have complex addiction-related issues.

Homelessness compounds these issues. Imagine trying to manage trauma, addiction or a mental health condition without a stable home base.

Children too, are affected, by the wellbeing of their mothers but homelessness also brings risks of marginalisation, social stigma and low self-esteem, coupled with poor health due to unsuitable living conditions and the stress of constant uncertainty.

In 2018, Good Shepherd Cork supported over 800 woman and children. Each woman took her own unique route to independence.

Each woman we work with and have worked with, has her own story.


